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  Veselie Folklore Ensemble

Priority Folklore Ensemble "Veselie" at Home Syndication transport workers - Sofia
is the preservation and dissemination of folk traditions, so specific and characteristic of the lifestyle and the culture of the Balkan peoples.

In the repertoire of the Folk Ensemble "Veselie" is folk dances from all regions of Bulgaria.

He is a participant in all cultural events of the House and the Ministry of Transport, is a participant in many cultural events at home and abroad such as festivals, concerts and reviews on where the winner of gold medals and prize awards. Ensemble "Veselie" is visiting in many countries worldwide such as France, Italy, Germany, Poland, Hungary, America and others.

After a break of several years in terms of hard economic transition of the country, now a choreographer of ensemble Orlin Ivanov again raise forces and more actively involved in the cultural life of the country and the world.

With songs and dance ensemble that recreates subtilize increasingly won the love and admiration of his many admirers.
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